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BLOG: Five benefits of being a brand ambassador

Whether you’re a new brand ambassador (or field representative), or have chalked up a bit of experience, there might be aspects to the role that you’ve never considered. To give you a fuller picture of what it’s really like to represent clients’ products, services and charity campaigns through door-to-door sales and fundraising, here’s a reminder of just some of the benefits, which you may not have thought about.

1. The feel-good factor

Being a brand ambassador can give you a great sense of personal satisfaction. Signing up new customers or donors on behalf of the organisations you represent can give you a sense of achievement in itself, but beyond this, you’ll also know that your work has the potential to help people.

You might find yourself promoting worthy causes and signing up long-term donors to support them, or offering consumers products and services that can make a positive difference to their lives.

For example, you may be representing a service that helps people save money on their energy bills or providing information about convenient home delivery services that can save them time and effort when producing healthy meals for their families. It’s a fantastic feeling knowing that the face-to-face interactions you have on a daily basis can help people.

2. A big confidence booster

You don’t have to be bursting with confidence to forge a successful career as a brand ambassador. One of the major benefits of this role is the fact that the more you do it, the more you will increase your confidence and become more self-assured.

These roles offer you the perfect opportunity to develop your interpersonal and communication skills. So, whether you decide to forge a long-term career in the sales industry or you move on to new opportunities, the skills you acquire as a field rep will be a major benefit in helping you achieve your goals – and brand ambassador Amelia Mills is living proof of that.

3. You progress at your own rate

With most careers, you have to rely on others to give you opportunities to progress. In contrast, as a self-employed field representative for one of the marketing companies within the Appco network, you can determine how fast you move forward in your career.

As a successful rep, you can choose to enter our Business Development Programme, which gives you the opportunity to guide, mentor and product train other field representatives. You can move through this programme with a view to starting your own marketing company within our network. Brand ambassador Appie Panwar – now a business owner herself – talks more about the benefits.

4. Meeting amazing people

Face-to-face sales or fundraising is sometimes seen as lonely work, but it is actually a great way to meet amazing people. As well as interacting with a wide range of potential customers and donors from all walks of life, you’ll get to spend time with fellow field representatives who share your sense of ambition. You can build up close working relationships and strong friendships in your role.

5. A good way to stay active

Being a field representative is a great way to get moving. Instead of sitting at a desk for eight hours a day, you’ll be on the move, stretching your legs and exploring new places. This can help you to stay healthy and means you don’t need to worry as much about squeezing in sessions at the gym.

To find out more about what it’s like to work as a self-employed field representative within the Appco network, check out this video.

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